Werewolf Coins Rules


When you play a game with a large group, it is easy for the moderator to make mistakes. Using the cheat sheet at the end of the rules can help you keep the game moving correctly. Use a new sheet for every game. They are available to print at HomeRunGames.com under the werewolf coins section.

Tips for the Moderator:

Telling the story of what happened during the night is your time to shine. It is an integral part in making the game fun. Be creative, come up with a fun story for how each player was killed or how they were saved or healed. Then open it up to debate.

On the cheat sheet, draw a line through the character and blank space of the characters that won’t be used. When players wake up and are revealed write their name next to the character they have. This will help you to keep track of them and keep the flow of the game moving. Hide your sheet from the players by folding it during the day. A small clipboard is helpful.

Write the names of those characters that die and draw a line through their character.

Marking special character actions
Witch: When the Witch uses a potion, draw a line through it; and write the name of the recipient of that potion above the potion on the cheat sheet.
Cupid: Mark a heart to the left of the 2 names that cupid chooses as lovers.
Dracula: Mark a D next to each character that Dracula chooses as a wife
Zombie: Mark a Z to the left of every character that the Zombie infects.Doppelgänger: Write Doppel next to the name chosen by the doppelgänger to change into. Mark the characters that are protected by the Priest, Bodyguard or Doctor each night next to their name.

When speaking make sure not to speak in a characters direction so that you don’t accidentally give their identity away. If you have a laser pointer use it to point at the players feet to confirm you have the right character that others are wanting to choose. Make sure not to point the laser above their feet as this will give them away.

Once a player is selected get a confirmation from the selector as a yes nod. The werewolves kill must be unanimous, a nod from all werewolves will work.

Players that die on the first few nights may be used as the moderators helper by taping players for the moderator.

Votes to execute by the village must be made by a majority. The player being voted on cannot vote. Example if there are 14 players in a vote it must be an 8 - 6 vote to execute.
Included character coins and their roles:
WEREWOLF: Work with the other werewolves to eat a villager each night.
MALE VILLAGERS: Work with the other villagers to find and kill the werewolves.
FEMALE VILLAGERS: Work with the other villagers to find and kill the werewolves.
MASONS: You are on the villager team and you can see all other Masons.
MODERATOR: Moderates and guides the game.
ALPHA WOLF: Only once during the game you can bite a villager and turn them into a werewolf or you can kill an extra villager.
LONE WOLF: You only win if you are the last member of the wolf team alive.
LITTLE GIRL: Every night you get to peek secretly to see the werewolves. During the night the wolves can tell the moderator that they think you are the little girl. You die if they are correct. SEER: Every night you can select a player to see if they are a villager or werewolf.
WIZARD: Aligned with the Werewolves, they try to identify the Seer every night.
HUNTER: If you die, you get to take someone down with you.
WITCH: You have 2 potions, death and healing. You can only use each once during the game. You can use the death potion on a werewolf, but if you use it on a villager you die.
CHUPACABRA: Choose a player every night. The player dies if they are a werewolf, the player lives if they are not a werewolf. If all the wolves die, the Chupacabra can kill a player each night. They need to be the sole survivor to win.
DRACULA: Pick a player to be your wife each night. You win if you survive a day and night with 3 wives alive.
VIGILANTE: You’re a villager, but you can choose to kill one person a night starting on the 2nd night. If you accidentally kill a villager you will die along side them.
TOUGH GUY: You survive one attack by the werewolves, but will die on the second try.
DOCTOR: Choose someone each night to heal.
CUPID: You are a villager, but on the first night you select 2 lovers. The moderator puts the cupid back to sleep and wakes the lovers so they know each other. If either of them is killed the other dies immediately. If one is a wolf and one a villager they must kill all others to win.
MINION: Work with the werewolves to help them eat the villagers.
BODYGUARD: Choose a player to protect each night. That player cannot be killed the next day. The bodyguard cannot choose themselves or the same person 2 nights in a row.
INSOMNIAC: Each night you can choose a player to see if they have awoken during the night. THE THING: Every night you get to tap a player of your choice.
DOPPELGÄNGER: Choose a player on the first night. If they die, you take their role.
GHOST: After you die, you’ll be able to watch the nightly activities. You can write a one letter clue each day as a message from the dead. (you cannot talk or write names or initials).
VILLAGE DRUNK: You can only talk by making noises or gestures. Alternate role is to get sober on the 3rd night and select a different character from the left over coins.
HOUSE RULE: Wild character. Moderator will assign a character role before the games starts.

ZOMBIE: You bite and infect a player each night. You win if the live infected players outnumber the live healthy players.
TANNER: You only win if you are killed after the fourth night.
PRIEST: On the first night you are allowed to select a player to be protected. That protection lasts until they are attacked. The night after they are attacked you get to choose another player to protect and so on.
WOLF CUB: If the wolf cub dies the wolves get 2 kills on the next night.
SPELLCASTER: You choose someone each night, they cannot use their voice the next day.

Game Set Up

Choose the characters for the game.
You’ll want to take the characters you are not using out of the bag and put them aside. Replace all the characters that you are using into the bag to be drawn by players. Draw a line through the name and the blank space on characters you are not using.

Use the following guide to choose the werewolf coin ratio.

7-11 Players - 3

12-16 Players - 4

17-22 Players - 6

Above 23 Players - 7

Cross out the players you are not using on the sheet.
Pass the bag around for players to draw character coins.

(Tell players to conceal their identity.)

The Game: When the game begins the villagers only knowledge is the number of werewolves. The game switches back and forth between day and night. At night the werewolves eliminate one player. During the day the players converse about the murder and force a vote to eliminate one suspect. The game continues to switch between night and day until all the werewolves have been eliminated, or until the number of werewolves outnumbers the villagers. Alternate win scenarios can end the game they are as follows:

Winning the Game Scenarios

  1. The game is won by the Villagers when all werewolves have been killed.

  2. The werewolves win when they outnumber the villagers.

  3. Dracula wins if he has 3 brides that survive a full day and night cycle.

  4. The Zombie wins if they can infect enough players that are alive and outnumber the healthy players.

  5. The tanner wins if they are killed any time after the fourth night.

  6. The lone wolf gets a win only if they are the last werewolf alive in a werewolf victory.

  7. The Chupacabra wins if they are the sole survivor.

  8. Lovers win if they are the last survivors. (Can be a wolf and villager, can be any combo.)

The game starts in the night phase. The moderator asks all players to close their eyes and gently pat their leg continuously with one hand to prevent others from hearing or noticing slight movements.

First night activities (These only happen once on the first night.)
1. Village falls asleep. Everyone will close their eyes and lightly pat their leg.
2. Write each player's name as they are revealed next to their character.
3. Make the first night assignments in this order.
4. Wake Cupid to choose the lovers. Put Cupid to sleep.
5. Tap the Lovers to wake them and let the Lovers look at each other. Put the Lovers to sleep.
6. Wake the Priest, allow the priest to choose someone to protect. Their protection will last until the player is attacked. If the player is attacked on a future night they are protected. You will wake the Priest again each night after their protection is used. Put the Priest to sleep.

7. Wake the Doppelgänger. They will select a player that they will become when that player dies. The doppelgänger won’t know what they will become until the player dies. Once the player dies the doppelgänger secretly becomes that player.
8. Wake the Masons and let them see each other, then put the Masons to sleep.
Nighttime activities (Start these activities after the first night activities are finished.)
Village falls asleep

1. Nightly activities done in this order:
2. Wake the Werewolves, let them choose who they will eat. Then put them to sleep.
3. Wake Dracula, let him choose a bride. Then put him to sleep.
4. Wake the Witch, ask if she would like to use a healing or poison potion (cross out the potions on your sheet when they are used). Then put her to sleep.
5. Wake the Doctor, let him choose whom he will heal. Put him to sleep.
6. Wake Wizard, let him try to identify the seer. Put him to sleep. (Nod yes or no.)
7. Wake the Seer, let her try to identify the wolves. Put her to sleep. (Nod yes or no.)
8. Wake the Chupacabra, let them select someone to kill. If the player is a werewolf they die, if they are not they live. (If all of the wolves are dead the Chupacabra selects someone to kill each night. They must be the sole survivor to win.) Put the Chupacabra to sleep.
9. (This starts on the 2nd night) Wake the Vigilante, ask them if they want to kill someone. If they select a werewolf the wolf dies, if it is not a wolf the vigilante dies as well. Put the vigilante to sleep.
10. Wake the Bodyguard, let them choose someone to protect. (They cannot choose themselves or the same person 2 nights in a row.) Put them to sleep.
11. Wake the Thing, they get to tap someone.
12. Wake the Zombie and let them choose 1 player to infect. Mark the infected player on your moderator sheet. (If the number of live infected players ever outnumbers the number of the healthy players the zombie wins) put the zombie to sleep.
13. Wake the Spellcaster, let them choose someone to silence the next day. The moderator must tap this person to let them know they cannot speak the next day. Put the spellcaster to sleep.
14. Wake the Insomniac, let them choose a player to see if that player has been awakened during the night. Put the Insomniac to sleep.
15. Just in case, ask players to raise their hand if their character was missed.


The village wakes up
1. The moderator announces all of the activities (deaths, saves, healing) that happened in the night. The moderator tells a story trying to make it interesting about how the events took place.
2. Suspicions, gossip, and debate

3. The moderator will ask for accusations for a guilty party to be killed.
4. Voting and killing (To be killed a player must be voted on by majority rule of all active players.)
5. Follow-up suspicions, gossip, and debate
6. Moderator ends the day as the sunsets and the village falls asleep.


Repeat Nighttime activities
Day and night cycles continue until one of the winning scenarios happens.


Moderator’s Cheat Sheet                

Character                              Player's Name

MODERATOR:              _______________________

WEREWOLF:                 _______________________

WEREWOLF:                 _______________________

WEREWOLF:                 ________________________ 

WEREWOLF:                 ________________________

MALE VILLAGERS:       ________________________

MALE VILLAGERS:       ________________________

MALE VILLAGERS:       ________________________

MALE VILLAGERS:       ________________________

FEMALE VILLAGERS:   ________________________

FEMALE VILLAGERS:   ________________________

FEMALE VILLAGERS:   ________________________

FEMALE VILLAGERS:   ________________________

MASONS:                       ________________________

MASONS:                       ________________________

MASONS:                       ________________________

ALPHA WOLF:                ________________________

LONE WOLF:                  ________________________

LITTLE GIRL:                  ________________________

SEER:                              ________________________

WIZARD:                         ________________________

HUNTER:                        ________________________

WITCH:                            _____________________  Poison Potion    Healing Potion

CHUPACABRA:               ________________________

DRACULA:                       ________________________

VIGILANTE:                     ________________________

TOUGH GUY:                  ________________________

DOCTOR:                        ________________________

CUPID:                            ________________________

MINION:                          _________________________

BODYGUARD:                _________________________

INSOMNIAC:                  _________________________

THE THING:                    _________________________

DOPPELGÄNGER:         _________________________

GHOST:                           _________________________

VILLAGE DRUNK:          _________________________

HOUSE RULE:                _________________________

ZOMBIE:                         _________________________

TANNER:                         _________________________

PRIEST:                           _________________________

WOLF CUB:                    _________________________

 SPELLCASTER:            _________________________